Thursday, October 28, 2010

Watch it with that Bible!

In preparation for finals for my science classes, I was nice enough to create a comprehensive study guide of necessary material for the quarter final. It included relevant topics, vocabulary, practice problems, and “things you should know how to do.” It took a ridiculous amount of time and I wanted to make it clear to my students that they must use it (partly because I want them to succeed and probably more so because I needed to justify to myself that the three hours that I spent on them was worth it).

I imparted upon them my intense desire for them to use this study guide by threatening a middle school form of death (aka- a full day of dentention) for not completing the assignment. This was a little heavy handed, but I wanted them to know that it was just THAT important. I gave them this threat and it didn’t elicit the look of fear I was hoping for. Weird. I chose another tactic, and re-emphasized the importance of the packet, telling them, “under no circumstances shall this packet leaver your side. This packet is your bible!”

A look of shock and disgust befell the class as students gasped in unison, “No, Mister!” as if I killed a puppy. Oops, apparently  comparing my worksheet to the bible not an appropriate analogy to be used with a group of 12 year-old Jehovas Witnesses and Evangelical Christians. After realizing my blunder, I backpedalled and said, “ok, ok …. It’s not your bible, but it is your science bible.”

I scanned the room for acceptance and I saw looks of trepidation and a bit head shaking. Then Cecilia nodded with acceptance, “Ok, mister, science bible is ok.” The rest of the class was brought back to baseline. Phew… got by with that one. Somehow through the outrage, I got the point across though. All 41 of my science students successfully completed and turned in their study guides… Something that has never happened for me with any piece of homework I have assigned.

All week I was waiting for the calls from the parents but they never came. I just can’t wait until I get to teach them evolution. Their heads might spontaneously combust. 


  1. So all of the children come from evangelical Christian homes? This is new information to me. Didn't know Jehovah's Witnesses had made their way to Honduras even. Is most of Cofradia like that or does your school have some religious affiliation?

  2. Most of them are either evangelical or Jehova's and the rest are catholic. Our school is not religiously affiliated, but the students do say a prayer every Monday at the flag ceremony.

    I stand with my hands behind my back uncomfortably and try to respectfully accept my place as an outsider. This is the only thing that makes me feel uncomfortable.

  3. the malaria and street robery? totally comfy. just don't be throwin' your bibles at him.

    this is weird because in class today i had "lip synching assignment day," where kids had to study a musical artist very different from them--it's the best day--huge breakthroughs. my shyest and most pious kid chose keshe and wore a conservative glittery top. at break, she giggled and said "i pulled this shirt out of my drawer in the dark to put on after class because i can't leave here in this top," and out came a shirt that said "Jazz for Jesus," a school shirt from her Lutheran school. I couldn't tell if she'd gotten the irony of it, or was just tickled by her old HS shirt. either way, this girl has a lot of jesus shirts. my reaction was "yeah, hard to decide which is more extreme to wear." as soon as it came out of my mouth i wished for a take-back. it is hard to hide our POV.
