Wednesday, September 1, 2010

5 Lessons I Learned from Week One

* Our freshly painted "Glorieta" (cafeteria) *

1.)  Whatever you plan to accomplish in one lesson, divide in half and you probably still have unrealistic expectations for what is possible.

2.)  Wool pants + 96 degrees + drama class outside = slow death

3.) Transitions are the enemy. Avoid them at all cost.

4.) Say what you mean and mean what you say.

5.) Children are like mountain lions.  Don’t let them smell fear or they will eat you alive.

Note the temperature. This isn't even the "feels like" temperature.

* Bonus Lesson - The meaning of the question, "This is for the fathers?" 

(There are parents who bring their children their lunch at 12:00 everyday and sit with them while they eat lunch. It is a sort of sweet ritual that I couldn't see parents in the states taking off time from work to do. At 12:30 the barely audible bell rings to to tell the parents to leave the school, but the real lunch doesn't end until 12:45. Small children never know the time (most Hondurans don't have a concept of it either... but that is another topic). When the first bell rings, children will approach you from all angles and ask  "This is for the fathers?!"  meaning... this bell means that parents go home, not that recess is over, right?)


  1. I love the cafeteria :) :) :) I know you are doing an amazing job down there Nathan! -Maddie

  2. Sualey! That's a pretty snazzy reloj buddy. Glad you're doing it up

  3. Maddie- it looks good, huh! thanks for the word of encouragement

    Quinner- This watch was "snazzy" around 1998. I can thank Timothy R. Shoffner development group for the donation of this fine piece. Miss you buddy.
