Monday, August 16, 2010

These Are My Roommates

*From left to right: Josh, Julio (aka "Jules"), Me, and Matt*

Welcome to "Man-partment." Population: 4. The rules are simple here: Clean up after yourself and keep it real. Keep it real means if something bothers you, just let 'er rip. No reason to let it fester. Keep it real.

Introducing the team: 

Josh (far left) hails from Atlanta, Georgia, but unfortunately he doesn't sound like it. His interests include debating Latin American politics, "slacklining" (tying a rope between two trees and tightrope walking on it), showing off his mastery of fancy economics terms, and eating baleadas like its his job. He insists that his students call him "Don Josh" as opposed to "Mr. Josh." Some of the true Dons in this town have taken offense and retort, "this man has no land, he has no wives, and doesn't even have an illegitemate child... who does he think he is?"

Julio "aka Giulio", aka "Jules" - is a physicist from Caltech. He grew up in Venezuela and speaks Spanish at a level that all of us envy.  In the first day we all went around and said why we were here, all trying to develop a more heartfelt answer than the person before us and Julio said, "I wanted to take a year off school, and this would look good on med school apps."  All right, keepin it real, we thought. This answer wasn't truly representative of Julio, however, as he works in the "Learning Center" with the toughest of kids and has started tutoring the little ones before school has even started. Jules is a self-diagnosed "nerd" and is often the punchline of our jokes: a role that he accepts with grace. We often play a drinking game in which we have to choose a category and go around a circle trying to think of something in that category. The usual topics are types of cars, hair products etc., but our favorite category is "things that jules would do with his friends at Caltech."

Me-  If you don't know me, then what are you doin' reading this blog.... creepy.

You can't tell by this picture but Matt is actually 6'6. He is the largest man I have ever called my friend. I am still trying to get used to how tall he is. It is really fun to walk through town, though, and watch people look at him and gasp. Also, he is really great to walk with down the sketchy streets of Cofradia at night. Matt comes from Boston (also lacking an accent) and is one of two teachers down here who has a teaching credential and actually has a goddamned clue of what he is doing. He is a big teddy bear and gives nice hugs. He has also been sick nonstop for the past month. He finally got a shot in his butt last night from the team doctor who lives across the street and seems to be doing improving.


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